Welcome! Empowering small and medium sized businesses (SMBs) and NonProfit organizations with industry leading payment, POS, software, business loans, and other business solutions to be as profitable and as efficient as possible.

Who do we help?


Business-to-Consumer (B2C) are the SMB businesses that serve consumers directly, such as restaurants, retail shops, professional services, etc.


Business-to-Business (B2B) are SMB businesses that serve other businesses, such as suppliers, vendors, etc. 


NonProfits include 501(c)3 organizations, religious organizations, and other related organizations. 

How do we help?

MG4SMB LLC helps SMBs with:

1. COGS: optimize inventory, reduce waste

2. Payroll: time/labor savings

4. Processing: eliminate up to 100% of your credit card processing expenses

5. Utilities: reduce your supply costs for electricity and gas

and much more...

Top B2B Solutions

Providing the complete platform for businesses

Top B2C Solutions

Our unique suite of solutions will help your business be more efficient and more profitable.

Top NonProfit Solutions

Our clients average 30% more donations with our solutions, some as high as 70% more!